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Covid disease

Dear colleagues,
I could not find these ICD9 CODE for COVID disease in athena.
I have tried to map them manually with SNOMED CODE. Is this correct?

DIAG ICD9 Map to Map to - Vocabulary - Domain
480.41 3661408 SNOMED - Condition
V07.00 4232396 SNOMED - Procedure
043.11 37311061 SNOMED - Condition
518.91 3661406 SNOMED - Condition
043.21 37311061 SNOMED - Condition
043.31 3662381 SNOMED - Condition
519.71 37311061 SNOMED - Condition
V01.85 45765578 SNOMED - Observation
V07.08 4222885 SNOMED - Procedure
V15.82 437264 SNOMED - Condition
043.32 3662381 SNOMED - Condition
518.92 3661406 SNOMED - Condition
043.22 37311061 SNOMED - Condition
043.12 37311061 SNOMED - Condition
480.42 3661408 SNOMED - Condition


There is no ICD-9 code for COVID since COVID did not exist during the ICD-9 era you would also only look for COVID after COVID existed.

Hang on, @Kevin_Haynes:

  1. This is ICD-9, not ICD-9-CM (the American derivative). In fact, @Stefania_Orini works with Italian ICD-9.
  2. They did add Covid to ICD-9.

@Stefania_Orini: We don’t support ICD-9. We only supported ICD-9-CM, and that is obsolete, as @Kevin_Haynes pointed out. if you want to add ICD-9 please use the community contribution channel and we put it in.

Ah Grazie! @Christian_Reich
