[COVID-19 Update] April 28: Protocols in Development, Phenotype Updates

April 28 Update

While we continue work generated from the study-a-thon last month, we are excited about some initiatives in development that will help us study COVID-19 and potential treatments more closely.

As discussed last week, Project SCYLLA has been launched to study the safety and anti-viral effectiveness of all emerging therapies for the treatment of COVID-19. Thank you to all community members who provided feedback on the initial protocol; we are working on an updated version, so please check the Study-Estimation-COVID Effectiveness channel in MSTeams for more updates.

The community is also working on characterization studies on various aspects of COVID-19, and an overarching protocol to streamline the work required by data owners to participate in these analyses is also in development. Check out the Study-Characterization channel in MSTeams for more information and updates following the first round of feedback.

Similar to the study-a-thon, the foundation for these studies will be set by the phenotype development team, which began the process of developing approximately 150 cohorts. The first team call to discuss this effort took place this morning on the Competency-Phenotype development and evaluation channel, and collaborators are being sought for this important work.

If you are interested in participating in any of these projects, please head over to those respective channels; if you don’t have MSTeams log-in credentials, please contact Craig Sachson (sachson@ohdsi.org).

All updates on OHDSI efforts on COVID-19 will be posted here and within OHDSI community forums , as well as shared on both the community Twitter and LinkedIn feeds.