[COVID-19] May 5 Update

May 5

The finalized protocol for the “Characterizing and comparing individuals with COVID-19 or influenza” network study is now available in the Characterization channel within the MSTeams environment. As detailed in the protocol, “[t]he primary objective of this study is to describe the baseline demographic and clinical characteristics, as well as treatments and occurrence of outcomes of interest among individuals tested for SARS-CoV-2 or diagnosed with COVID-19 after December 1st 2019, overall and by sex, age and comorbidities. We will also describe the characteristics and outcomes of the population with seasonal influenza infection between September 1st 2016 and April 1st 2018 as a benchmark.”

We are looking for data partners to join in this study. If you are interested, please connect with one of our Principal Investigators (@krfeeney, @tduarte, or @Albert_Prats) for more information or assistance in mapping your data to the OMOP Common Data Model.

Thank you to @tduarte for leading the effort to bring in COVID-19 data from Spain. The Hospitals Madrid (HM) dataset currently includes more than 2,000 COVID-19 patients and provides both ongoing and future OHDSI studies COVID-positive patient data from Asia, Europe, and North America.