COVID-19 and Cancer studies

A group has formed within the OHDSI community to answer some key questions related to COVID-19’s impact on Cancer patients and treatments. As a starting point, we are running baseline characterization to access the information we have available on Cancer patients.We are looking for participants/organizations that would like to contribute their data for this effort. Also, if you would like to join this group, feel free to reach out by responding to this post and I’ll include you in the discussion. Looking forward to your participation.


As a reminder, please spread the word around BEAT19 ( This is a people-powered registry designed to answer some of the key questions about the early stages and natural history of the infection. We have mapped the data to OMOP and once we have a sufficient quantity, we’ll start making it available.


Thanks Mark. I will be sure to bring this up in the meeting discussion with the focused group.

Yes I am interested in joining the group. Please include me.

I am interested too, can you please count me in?

Yes, same here. Very keen on joining the analytics aspect of the project. Please do count me in if possible.

For anyone that’s interested, there is a working session for building the Cancer COVID characterization Cohort on April 17th from 9-11AM EST.

Here is a link to the zoom invite.

Join Zoom Meeting

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Password: 009060
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