cost_type_concept_id standard vocabulary documentation location


I am trying to map cost types to cost_type_concept_id.
I found to following in the documentation:

“The COST table will store information reporting money or currency amounts. There are three types of cost data, defined in the cost_type_concept_id: 1) paid or reimbursed amounts, 2) charges or list prices (such as Average Wholesale Prices), and 3) costs or expenses incurred by the provider.”

However, the cost vocabulary page is not yet populated (

Does anybody know where I can find this information? Is there a vocabulary I can download from ?


Does anybody know the vocabulary?


You arei totally right. Both the implementation and the documentation are behind. :frowning:

Will be added with the next release on Monday.

Sorry, Jeff. The thing was sitting here for days. I didn’t click on Reply.

Thank you very much.

I will take a look on Monday! Are there many other items in next weeks release?


There are typically a couple biggies and a whole bunch of small fries.


Added and released shortly:

5031	Amount paid by the patient or reimbursed by the payer	Type Concept
5032	Amount charged to the patient or the payer by the provider, list price	Type Concept
5033	Cost incurred by the provider	Type Concept

Great news! Which vocabulary set on Athena would these new cost concepts be available? I only want to download one :smile:


Voabulary set? What do you mean? Vocabulary ID? It’s a Concept Type vocabulary. It’s mandatory part of any download. You canot not have it.

My question is which vocabulary codeset are the Type Concepts located in to dowload at:

As I said. They are not listed because necessary part of the OMOP CDM. So, the next release will have them. You can click off everything else if you don’t want it.

Thank you.


Can anyone let me know that what is “Concept Type Vocabularies”.

where can i find theses vocab as theses are not available at Athena .

I would also to know that how to use and it would be really appreciable if someone can quote some examples .

Thank you.

The idea is that you can use these concepts to indicate the …_type_concept_id:
drug_type_concept_id in Drug_exposure table
or condition_type_concept_id in Condition occurrence table, and the same for the other tables,
actually, there are corresponding vocabulary_id to the tables they will be used in:
Death Type
Cost Type
Device Type
Meas Type
Condition Type
Drug Type
Visit Type
Note Type
Obs Period Type
Observation Type
Procedure Type

And as @Christian_Reich said trey’re obligatory included into any Athena download package so you don’t see them in a list of vocabularies on Athena web-site.

this way, for example, for cost table you can use one of these concepts depending of what type of the payment was there

Thanks Christian…!!