A newbie question but what’s the correct order to use ATLAS for generating cohorts. Is it
Option 1
(1) Create OMOP CDM tables
(2) Populate tables with patient records
(3) Create Results schema
(4) Run Achilles
(5) Start Catalina, and use ATLAS to build cohorts
Option 2
(1) Create OMOP CDM tables
(2) Create Results schema
(3) Populate CDM tables with patient records
(4) Run Achilles
(5) Start Catalina, and use ATLAS to build cohorts
Does it matter? Or is there a third option?
THe results schema is closely related to the achilles run, so it makes sense to follow Option 1. I would ad some steps tho: After you have your OMOP tables (your ETL process) and you create the results schema to hold the achilles results, you then will need to start up Catalina to host the WebAPI process. This will create application-level tables in your WebAPI database (note: webapi database is separate from your omop cdm table database). Once WebAPI has creatd the tables, you now have a place to specify what CDM sources you can build cohorts on. You can follow the configuration guide for registering sources.