Converting Truven Datasets From .SAS format to CDMv5

For the conversion of the Truven datasets, which are in .SAS format, to CDMv5, I downloaded ETL-CDMBuilder from and tried to run on my machine. To run the CDMBuilder, when I clicked on org.ohdsi.cdm.presentation.buildingmanager.exe present under folder ‘source’, it gave error - “The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more details.” I looked into the event viewer of Windows and found the following - “Activation context generation failed for “C:\cygwin64\home\pkumar81\Truven\ETL-CDMBuilder-master\source\org.ohdsi.cdm.presentation.buildingmanager.exe”.Error in manifest or policy file “C:\cygwin64\home\pkumar81\Truven\ETL-CDMBuilder-master\source\org.ohdsi.cdm.presentation.buildingmanager.exe.Config” on line 15. Invalid Xml syntax.”.

So, it seems that the fields present under the tag < connectionStrings> in the file ‘org.ohdsi.cdm.presentation.buildingmanager.exe.config’ need to be corrected. I searched for an example that could help me to set the correct values for the fields under the tag < connectionStrings>, but I couldn’t find any link for the example.

Can someone please provide me an example showing how to set the following variables in the file ‘org.ohdsi.cdm.presentation.buildingmanager.exe.config’ for the Truven datasets (.SAS format)

< connectionStrings>

<add name="Source" connectionString=""/>
<add name="Destination" connectionString=""/>
<add name="Vocabulary" connectionString="Driver=""/>
<add name="Builder" connectionString="Data Source="/>
<add name="APS" connectionString=""/>

< /connectionStrings>

Also, could you please let me know if I am missing anything for the conversion.

@Praveen_Kumar - Unfortunately our BUILDER is not 100% compatible with every environment - with each iteration we try to make it more usable by outside teams but we aren’t there yet. BUILDER is looking for a database so connecting to SAS files is not a support option at this time. Also, we made the mistake of only sharing the compiled code so that makes it hard to understand what we are doing. In the future we will release the un-compiled code.

Thank you so much Erica for your response. It helped me as I was thinking that SAS files could be used as the source data.