Convention for mapping drugs in source systems that are encoded as RxNorm 'Brand Name' entries?

What is the convention for mapping drugs in source systems that are encoded as RxNorm ‘Brand Name’ entries? For example, we have a source system that encodes a drug clinical event as
"Brand Name’ RxNorm code ‘1359163’/RxNorm name ‘Singlet’. Which is a non-standard OMOP concept that can map to multiple standard RxNorm ‘Ingredients’: ‘Chlorpheniramine’, ‘Acetaminophen’ ‘Pseudoephedrine’. Should we make three entries in DRUG_EXPOSURE mapped to each RxNorm ingredient?

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That would be an ingredient combination Chlorpheniramine+Acetaminophen+Pseudoephedrine. Brand Names are no drugs, they are just names. The problem is we don’t have ingredient combos. We have Drug Forms, which are ingredient combos with a Dose Form, though. Since the Brand “Singlet” is only sold as Oral Tablet you should take 42901558 “Acetaminophen / Chlorpheniramine / Pseudoephedrine Oral Tablet [Singlet]”.

Problem is that concept is deprecated. RxNorm took it out. Need to find out why. In the mean time, use the non-branded version 40003654 “Acetaminophen / Chlorpheniramine / Pseudoephedrine Oral Tablet”

Of course the larger question is why don’t we have ingredient combos. We never implemented them, RxNorm has them. There is a backlog item to that end in the system, but the priority is somewhere in the basement. Unless somebody came and wanted it really bad. :slight_smile:

@mgurley: Corrected the previous posting. I used Branded Drug, instead of the intended Branded Drug Form. Now it is correct. Still will send request to RxNorm inquiring what they have against the Singlet product.