I am trying to use the DQD tool using RStudio with Redshift by following the instructions from the link here.
At first I created a connection with the Redshift to see if the JDBC connection works or not. Post connection established, I queried one of the Synthea tables and it worked fine as I could see the results from the SELECT query. Below are the details on how I created the connection and SUCCESSFULLY queried tables:
P.S. I am using this driver “RedshiftJDBC42-no-awssdk-”. Please note that the directory does not contain any other Redshift driver hence no conflict can arise for the error encountered.
driver <- JDBC("", "/jdbcdrivers/RedshiftJDBC42-no-awssdk-", identifier.quote="`")
conn <- dbConnect(driver,"jdbc:redshift://abccluster-xxxx.zzzz.ap-southeast-1.redshift.amazon.com/<myDBName>","<Username>","<Password>")
However, when I am using the same connection details for the DQD tool, its giving the below error:
Error in rJava::.jcall (jdbcDriver,"Ljava/sql/Connection;","connect", : java.sql.SQLException: [Amazon](100021) Error setting default driver property values)
Just to confirm, I also ran the below command and I am getting the same above error:
connection <- DatabaseConnector::connect(connectionDetails = connectionDetails)
Please help me on how to resolve the issue and if I need to perform any further steps.