Congratulations to #OHDSI2020 "Best Contribution" winners

First of all, congratulations to everybody within the community who collaborated for our first Asia-Pacific Symposium. It was a terrific two-day event, and videos from some of the presentations should be available on and our YouTube channel this week.

During the APAC Closing Ceremony, the “Best Contribution” honors from the OHDSI2020 Global Symposium were announced. You can check out brief descriptions of each on the OHDSI Twitter feed today from @Patrick_Ryan.

Best Contribution in Observational Data Standards
Clinical trial data conventions for the OMOP Common Data Model (@CRoeder, @katy-sadowski, @MaximMoinat, @Philip_Solovyev, @sonia )

Best Contribution in Methodological Research
Noisy-Or Risk Allocation: A Probabilistic Model for Attributable Risk Estimation (@aaveritt, @aperotte)

Best Contribution in Open-Source Analytics Development
Large-scale evaluation of treatment effect heterogeneity in hypertension (@arekkas, David Van Klaveren, @Rijnbeek)

Best Contribution in Clinical Applications
OHDSI Alexa Skill for a Personalized COVID-19 Outcomes Risk Calculator (Lisa K. Evans)

Congrats to all honorees! Remember, every #OHDSI2020 collaborator submission will be highlighted daily on our Twitter and LinkedIn feeds during the #OHDSISocialShowcase.