As we happily enjoy our last days in 2021 and hopefully get some rest and relaxation with friends and family, it’s also a time to think about all thats ahead of us in 2022. And also, hope to get back to a little bit of normalcy in how we can work and collaborate together in person (COVID-19 notwithstanding).
With that in mind, I’m trying to compile a list of scientific conferences that our community may be attending or interested in presenting at in 2022. Aside from the obvious ones (OHDSI Europe Mar11-13, OHDSI Global, OHDSI APAC), I’m keen to hear from you about what forums you’ll be disseminating your scientific and technical accomplishments.
So far, I’m aware of major conferences in the fields of informatics, statistics, and epidemiology, like:
ACMI - AZ Feb3-6
HIMSS - FL Mar14-18
AMIA CIC - Tx Mar23-26
ISPE Midyear - FL Apr10-12
ISPOR - MD May14-17
DIA - Chicago June19-23
useR! - TN Jun20-23
ML4HC - NC Aug5-6
JSM - DC Aug7-11
ISPE - Copenhagen DK Aug24-28
AMIA - DC Nov5-9
What other large conferences will you be going to in 2022? I’m particularly keen to hear if anyone is targetting to showcase work at any of the scientific sessions of any large clinical societies, like AHA, ASCO, ADA, etc?