Hello @mmatheny,
The condition_type_concept_id identifies the provenance of a record, i.e. an inpatient claim record, an EHR’s Problem List record, an outpatient claim record, etc. The full list of acceptable concept_ids can be found here where the domain_id = “Type Concept” and standard_concept = ‘S’.
The community decided we had inadvertently crammed two different ideas into the condition_type_concept_id field and they needed to be split into two separate fields. So, when we discussed splitting the “status” of a condition out from the condition_type_concept_id, it was decided a type_concept_id can be identified if it finishes this sentence: “This record is derived from ______”.
Per the CDM conventions, the condition_status_concept_id “best represents the point during the visit when the diagnosis was given”. The acceptable concept_ids for status are found here where the domain_id = ‘Condition Status’ and standard_concept = ‘S’
For this example:
The condition_type_concept_id = 32855, inpatient header claim. The #'s have been eliminated. There are just the headers and details now, no positions.
For the condition_status_concept_id, I’m unsure if “final” is synonymous with “discharge”. If it is, the condition_status_concept_id = 32903, primary discharge diagnosis might be the most appropriate. Or there might be a more appropriate standard concept_id linked above.