Conceptual logic for an Observation Period derived from EHR data

Hello all,

On Friday, July 24th the EHR WG started a discussion on how to derive an Observation Period from EHR data. The current conventions are located here and the proposed conventions are located here. The relevant section from the current conventions, “define the spans of time for which a Person is at-risk to have clinical events recorded within the source systems”. The relevant section from the proposed conventions suggest to use the first clinical event date as the start date and the last clinical event date as the end date. This is a very deep and broad topic. I would like to further define the community needs, create general guidelines, understand “gotchas”, and possibly record relevant metadata taken under consideration during the creation of an Observation Period for a CDM. All are welcome! We especially would like to have EHR sites participate for their first person view of the data and researchers to help us understand the implications of decisions.

The goals of the continuing discussions:

  1. Record use cases to consider: different care settings, implementation of EHR systems
  2. General/crude guidelines for the implementation of the Observation Period. Start_date, Observation Period.end_date, and any Observation Period. Gaps
  3. Cautions/things to consider when implementing the Observation Period
  4. Metadata: what should be recorded and how it should be recorded. @Ajit_Londhe and @Andrew had a WG on this topic at one time

Please join our next meeting on Friday, August 7th at 10am EST to discuss. Or reply to this thread with discussion points

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