My source data contains values for the various nationalities of patients. However when I looked through the concept table, I could not find any appropriate concepts to represent nationality. However there is ‘Country of birth’. Am I to assume that I should be using the latter to record nationality too?
We have the mechanism of ethnicity. It includes a whole lot of detailed ethnic backgrounds. But I assume that is not what you want.
If you really want to just record the country of birth why don’t you put a record into the OBSERVATION table with observation_concept_id=4197735 “Country of birth” and in value_as_concept you record the country from the following list:
select concept_id as country_id, concept_name as country_name
from concept_ancestor
join concept on concept_id=descendant_concept_id
where ancestor_concept_id=4329169
order by concept_name;
Hello Christian,
The source data contains values for both country of birth and nationality. I have already mapped the former using the OBSERVATION table, but I need to cater for nationalities as the values between these two columns could be different.
In responding to this post, I searched for all ‘Country of…’ concepts and stumbled across 40769139|‘Country of citizenship’. I can use that to represent nationality.
Thanks for your reply all the same.
Yes, you can. There is also the race_concept_id, and it contains most nationalities, and it is where you would store ones ethnic background, which could reach a few generations back. So, what you do depends on your use case. Do you have one? Which analytic would be interested in the subtleties of the difference between country of birth and current country?