My general question is that if the concept tables are still work in progress? I assume many of them are. Specifically, I am looking at the concept_relationship table for ‘cross walking’ between vocabularies. The only cross walking I can find is 2000+ entries between LOINC and CPT. Is there plan to add other cross walk such as ICD9 - ICD10, ICD10 - SNOMED?
How do we users get update when there is new release on any of the concept tables?
select concept_id_1, domain_id, vocabulary_id, concept_name, concept_id_2 from concept_relationship , concept where concept_id_1 = concept_id and relationship_id = ‘LOINC - CPT4 eq’
FYI: relationship_id = relationship_id ‘maps’ was my first instinct to query, but it does not serve the crosswalk between vocabularies, but similar to another relationship_id ‘concept replaces’ from my understanding --for deprecated concepts. Can someone clarify the difference?