Hello everyone,
I’m wondering about the non-standard concepts mapped to the following standard concept: https://athena.ohdsi.org/search-terms/terms/4288241. It appears to me that the non-standard concepts mapped to it are broader in meaning than the target concept, e.g. Salmonella enteritis (ICD10) is broader than “Salmonella enterica subspecies arizonae infection”. Is this by design? I understand that the parent of “Salmonella enterica subspecies arizonae infection” in Snomed CT is “Salmonella infection”, which in turn is broader than “Salmonella enteritis”. Is the more narrow target better than the broader one?
Good, day! In this case more narrow concept is better option. Salmonella can cause not only enteritis, but also other clinical conditions
What @dmitry.buralkin says is correct. There is no Salmonella enteritis in SNOMED. There is only Salmonella infection and the Arizona infection, which has one of its synonyms “Salmonella enteritis”. So the mappers picked what they deemed is the closest map.
But you are right, @anna_hammais, it is probably wrong. For one, mapping should always be uphill, and never downhill, but also the Arizona infection is really a rare and special thing. What they should have picked is Salmonella gastroenteritis. Will fix. Thanks for spotting this.
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