Sorry that I should have include the actual question.
My question:
"I have a question about how do you think about multivitamin data. As a pharmacist, I consider multivitamin as vitamins (A,B,C,D,E,K), and doesn’t include any minerals.
Currently, in OMOP model, “multivitamin preparation” is including both vitamins and minerals.
I prefer separating vitamins and minerals because minerals tends to interact with certain medications (ie. fluoroquinolones antibiotics).
However, I don’t know how important to distinguish this intern of research. Do you feel like it will be nice to distinguish vitamins and minerals, or it doesn’t matter at this point. "
Response from researcher:
“Both can be essential for treatment and they are not the same thing. As you have each individual item, obviously this is not going to make you lose data either way. If your framework is very granular, I would separate, if very gross then maybe not necessary. So I would be prudent and leave them separate.if you have no compelling reason not to split.”
I mentioned “multivitamin with iron” earlier, because that’s something that came to my mind first, but there are other minerals such as zinc, calcium, copper, etc. I have second thought about it because there are so many combination of these. Thus, as start, can we create a concept for "Multivitamin with Mineral preparation Oral Tablet” and map multivitamin with mineral preparation ( i.e. THEREMS TABLET
44977082 NDC) to that?