Hello all,
We are interested in collaborating and working with data partners on a new study that has been posted to the OHDSI Research network: (Study Repo)
This purpose of this study is to study characterize and evaluate trends in pathways for antiretroviral therapy (ART) for individuals who have been diagnosed with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and treated persistently over two-years. Both single-ingredient antiretrovirals and co-formulated combinations will be evaluated. The analysis package has been developed using the CohortPathways and Characterization tools in ATLAS and will be performed in the ATLAS environment.
Established as an essential public health intervention, ART has been extremely important for the achievement of viral suppression to both improve HIV-related morbidity and mortality and to prevent transmission. Antiretroviral therapy involves taking a combination of medications daily. Regimens can be complex and are often dependent on a variety of clinical and personal factors. Observational research provides a unique opportunity to evaluate heterogeneity in treatment for HIV and provide insight into real-world patterns in ART. There are somewhat few network studies within OHDSI that assess complexities related to care for microbial diseases and to the best of our knowledge, real-world evaluation of HIV antiretroviral therapy across a data network has not yet been conducted. We seek to reveal patterns in antiretroviral treatment for individuals diagnosed with HIV through identifying commonly used first-line antiretrovirals, evaluating temporal trends in treatment, and comparing antiretroviral treatment in the real-world to clinical recommendations.
A draft of the protocol is available here: (Protocol Draft)
Please reach out (raechel.davis@yale.edu) if you are interested in collaborating or participating!