Collaborating on a PCORI project to disseminate PCORI Improving Methods findings

My name is Yi Zhang. I’m a Senior Research Associate at MTPPI (a nonprofit research institute). I have been the PI of several PCORI-funded methods projects that aim to evaluate and apply causal inference methods for addressing comparative effectiveness research (CER) questions using observational data. Recently, PCORI approved my new LOI for the project – Dissemination of PCORI Improving Methods Projects to Advance Precision Medicine and Patient-centered Care – and invites us to send in a full proposal due 8/12/2019.
For this project, we intend to partner with OHDSI community for active dissemination of 4 PCORI HTE studies—identified jointly by the proposed team and OHDSI collaborators - that resulted in important PCORI HTE method findings that can advance ‘personalized pharmacotherapy’ within the OHDSI community. Specifically, the project aims to:
a) Augment ongoing OHDSI educational programs in precision medicine research by disseminating new PCORI HTE methodology studies; this aligns with OHDSI’s initiative in 2019 focusing on accelerating precision medicine and PCOR;
b) Identify proper dissemination channels to better distribute specific PCORI findings to their respective target groups, from a suite of tools and mechanisms established by OHDSI to allow for efficient D&I;
c) Embed the PCORI study findings into the OHDSI resource library to facilitate the current focus on developing new tools to perform patient-level predictive modeling research; and
d) Scale up the dissemination to 3 PCORnet data networks that adopt OHDSI’s OMOP common data model.

The total project budget is $300,000. If funded, in collaboration with OHDSI, including identification of suitable programs, liaison with the leadership, selection of dissemination strategies, and conduct of all related dissemination efforts, funds will be used to support OHDSI collaborators, and 5 patients and patient representatives and several other stakeholders at OHDSI, identified by OHDSI leadership.

I hope that you find the project interesting and would like to collaborate. I’ll be working on the full proposal and send in by August 12 and hear back from PCORI around Octomber, 2019.

Looking forward to hearing from you!