I get the following error when running Cohort generation in Atlas:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [CREATE TEMP TABLE Codesets (codeset_id int NOT NULL,
concept_id bigint NOT NULL
; CREATE TEMP TABLE qualified_events
WITH primary_events (event_id, person_id, start_date, end_date, op_start_date, op_end_date, visit_occurrence_id) AS (
– Begin Primary Events
select P.ordinal as event_id, P.person_id, P.start_date, P.end_date, op_start_date, op_end_date, cast(P.visit_occurrence_id as bigint) as visit_occurrence_id
select E.person_id, E.start_date, E.end_date, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY E.person_id ORDER BY E.start_date ASC) ordinal, OP.observation_period_start_date as op_start_date, OP.observation_period_end_date as op_end_date, cast(E.visit_occurrence_id as bigint) as visit_occurrence_id
– Begin Condition Occurrence Criteria
SELECT C.person_id, C.condition_occurrence_id as e… [truncated] …ect COUNT(event_id) as total from best_events) PC,
(select sum(sr.person_count) as total
from public.cohort_inclusion_result sr
CROSS JOIN (select count(*) as total_rules from public.cohort_inclusion where cohort_definition_id = 2) RuleTotal
where sr.mode_id = 1 and sr.cohort_definition_id = 2 and sr.inclusion_rule_mask = POWER(cast(2 as bigint),RuleTotal.total_rules)-1
) FC
; TRUNCATE TABLE best_events; DROP TABLE best_events; TRUNCATE TABLE cohort_rows; DROP TABLE cohort_rows; TRUNCATE TABLE final_cohort; DROP TABLE final_cohort; TRUNCATE TABLE inclusion_events; DROP TABLE inclusion_events; TRUNCATE TABLE qualified_events; DROP TABLE qualified_events; TRUNCATE TABLE included_events; DROP TABLE included_events; TRUNCATE TABLE Codesets; DROP TABLE Codesets]; nested exception is java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Batch entry 14 delete from public.cohort_inclusion_result where cohort_definition_id = 2 and mode_id = 0 was aborted. Call getNextException to see the cause.
I’m running PostgreSQL 12.2. Has anyone else seen this error before?