Cohort Features vs Сharacterization Reports in Atlas

I’ve noticed some issues in Atlas (Cohort Definitions section).
Could someone provide any help?

  1. Person counts observed in Reporting (Procedure report) exceed the Person counts from Generation (Cohort features - Procedures) report.
    In the 1st report the background is described as follows:
    Features are baseline characteristics (e.g collected before /on cohort start)
    Long Term: 365 day lookback. Short Term: 30d lookback. Overlapping: Event spans cohort start date.

  2. Generation (Cohort features - Procedures) report shows the list of concepts with repeating duplicates (from 2 to 15 repeats) with the same (mostly) or slightly different counts.

  3. Device reports are not represented in both of sections. There is no way to look through the devices, right?

  4. Issues 1-2 are not focused on Procedure reports only. Another reports are affected as well.

For #1, is it possible that your cohort definition allows people to have mulitple eras? Ie: you allow ‘all events per person’ and you specify some sort of end date that would let people leave the cohort and then re-enter the cohort?

If so, I believe what happens is that if your cohort has a person with multiple eras, the feature report will count up the procedures in the prior 365d for each era for a person. This does not happen in the cohort reporting.

For #2: here is the query that is used to produce the results in the UI:

  f.sum_value as count_value, 
  f.average_value as stat_value
from @cdm_results_schema.cohort_features f
join @cdm_results_schema.cohort_features_ref fr on fr.covariate_id = f.covariate_id and fr.cohort_definition_id = f.cohort_definition_id
JOIN @cdm_results_schema.cohort_features_analysis_ref ar on ar.analysis_id = fr.analysis_id and ar.cohort_definition_id = fr.cohort_definition_id
LEFT JOIN @cdm_database_schema.concept c on c.concept_id = fr.concept_id
where f.cohort_definition_id = @cohort_definition_id AND f.average_value > .005 @criteria_clauses
ORDER BY f.average_value DESC

To run this on your own env, you will need to replace the results schema and cohort ID to your specific case. Additionally, the @criteria_clauses is used to filter the results to a specific domain ID. You should take this query, apply a WHERE domain_id = ‘Procedure’, and then look at the rows to understand where your duplicates are coming from.