Cohort Definition error

Hi there,
I’m trying to get our local installation of ATLAS working, which it is, for the most part, but can’t figure out this issue with the Cohort Definitions - I can create new definitions, and everything works as expected, but if I try to click on an existing definition, the application tries to deliver that page but just spins (ie: /Atlas/#/cohortdefinition/13), and the console shows the following error:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1
at JSON.parse ()
at Object. (CohortDefinition.js:68)
at Object. (jquery.js:3411)
at fire (jquery.js:3232)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.js:3362)
at done (jquery.js:9840)
at XMLHttpRequest.callback (jquery.js:10311)

This is the JSON that is being returned form the WebAPI for that cohort definition:

{“id”:11,“name”:“male”,“description”:null,“createdBy”:"",“createdDate”:“2020-01-14 21:15”,“modifiedBy”:"",“modifiedDate”:“2020-01-14 21:19”,“expressionType”:“SIMPLE_EXPRESSION”,“expression”:{“cdmVersionRange”:">=5.0.0",“PrimaryCriteria”:{“CriteriaList”:[{“VisitOccurrence”:{“VisitTypeExclude”:false}}],“ObservationWindow”:{“PriorDays”:0,“PostDays”:0},“PrimaryCriteriaLimit”:{“Type”:“First”}},“ConceptSets”:[],“QualifiedLimit”:{“Type”:“First”},“ExpressionLimit”:{“Type”:“First”},“InclusionRules”:[{“name”:“male”,“expression”:{“Type”:“ANY”,“CriteriaList”:[],“DemographicCriteriaList”:[{“Gender”:[{“CONCEPT_ID”:45766035,“CONCEPT_NAME”:“Feminine gender”,“STANDARD_CONCEPT”:null,“STANDARD_CONCEPT_CAPTION”:“Unknown”,“INVALID_REASON”:null,“INVALID_REASON_CAPTION”:“Unknown”,“CONCEPT_CODE”:“703118005”,“DOMAIN_ID”:“Gender”,“VOCABULARY_ID”:“SNOMED”,“CONCEPT_CLASS_ID”:null}]}],“Groups”:[]}}],“CensoringCriteria”:[],“CollapseSettings”:{“CollapseType”:“ERA”,“EraPad”:0},“CensorWindow”:{}}}

Any suggestions on how to fix this or where to look for further debugging information?

The JSON looks correct, and it doesn’t look like there is a token ‘o’ anywhere in that JSON, so I’m guessing that perhaps the Atlas UI code is expecting a different format.

Can you confirm the version of Atlas and the version of WebAPI you are using?

Also, if you can set a breakpiont on that CohortDefinition.js like (around where it is trying to load the JSON into a CohortDefinition instance) you can confirm that the value attempting to be parsed is what is being returned from the WebAPI endpoint.

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Thanks Chris - turns out I was running an older version of WebAPI - when I updated that, it fixed the issue.