Cohort access rights

Hi there,

I have a question concerning the possibility to restrict the access to cohort definitions in Atlas. We are already using Atlas with OpenID with a hand full of users working in parallel with the data sets. So everybody can see, copy and manipulate the generated cohorts of the other users. This works great - thanks to all the contributors!

Now we got a new requirement. We are planning to make an educational Atlas set up for students. The aim is a kind of an audit platform where the students have to show what they have learned about the usage of OMOP/Atlas defining Cohorts, Concept Sets and so on. A prerequisite is that they can not cheat and just copy or manipulate the work of other students. Is this somehow feasible with the rights management? Thanks in advance for any help on this.

Best regards,

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I’m afraid not. Sharing of content is actually one of the activities the application encourages.

You might want to consider making multiple variations of tests that would make it difficult for people to share solutions (ideally, unique tests per student).

Thanks for your reply - but sadly not what I wanted to hear :wink: We expect around 300 students for the course. So, generating individual tasks would be exhausting. Perhaps a task for ChatGPT though :upside_down_face: Anyways, maybe we will have to rethink our concept.

@Chris_Knoll This seems like an inadequate rationale to not consider putting this feature (ie. limiting view / edit / delete permissions to one’s own cohorts) on the roadmap. The range of use cases for Atlas are so broad that certainly some organizations way wish reasonably to preclude one user from modifying another’s work.

Full disclosure-- we have such a need, not for academic purposes, but for adoption by a government agency.

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Wasn’t rationalizing, just giving the history: figuring out how to hide things from people was not top-of-mind when designing the UI and functionality of Atlas.

That being said, we’re trying to improve the security layer on Atlas to get you the functionality you want. However, due to the assumptions about the norm of sharing I mentioned above, it’s not as straight-forward as I hoped.

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Thanks @Chris_Knoll. I realize my question may have come off a little more strongly than intended. Sorry about that. But very glad to hear that it is being looked at for the Atlas security layer going forward.

No offense taken, and I’m sensitive to much of the frustration that arises when we have some deep-seated patterns in the tools that haven’t grown with the more modern needs of the community. Keep that feedback comming.