
I am wondering about a design decision for the CMS-ETL conversion of the Medicare SynPuf data. A CMS Inpatient_Claims data record has a ADMTNG_ICD9_DGNS_CD field and also ICD9_DGNS_CD_1 – ICD9_DGNS_CD_10, ICD9_PRCDR_CD_1 – ICD9_PRCDR_CD_6.

A concept in the vocabulary exists for Primary Diagnosic: 38000199òInpatient header - primaryò1òCondition Occurrence Type but it is not used in the ETL. All inpatient records are hardcoded to a CONDITION_TYPE_CONCEPT_ID of 38000200 which is Inpatient header - 1st position.

I was wondering if this was done on purpose or if the functionality to map to specific inpatient vocabulary codes is a feature that could be implemented.

I am still looking through the code but haven’t figured out what happens to the non primary codes. Is that information dropped or is it a one to many relationship between a inpatient claims record and the condition_occurrence table?

Here are the counts of the concept_id’s in the converted SynPuf data:

38000230,280864910,Outpatient header - 1st position
38000200,8317475,Inpatient header - 1st position

38000269,275176949,Outpatient header - 1st position
38000251,3592580,Inpatient header - 1st position

I’ve responded and posed some clarifying questions in this ETL-CMS github issue link: