Clarification on creating visits from Truven data

On pg. 15 of the spec, the logic for building visit_occurrence records is described:

If an outpatient services record contains proc1=99285, and dx1=5990,
are 2 visit_records created, one for the ER and one for the OP, for the same svcdate and provid,
Or does the ER attribute of proc1 propagate to all other populated diag/proc fields on the service record,
and thus 1 ER visit only is created?



No, the claims are associated to an ER visit, not an OP visit. You can have an ER and IP visit both on the same day. The claims associated with the ER part of the visit will get associated to an ER visit, all else will attach to the IP portion of the visit.

Our paper goes into a bit more detail. Figure 1 highlights the ER/IP case.

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Thanks @ericaVoss ! That paper clarifies things for me very well.

Another question, (you can tell I’m moving down the spec!)
The logic for building procedure_occurrence records is straightforward (and pretty involved!). However bullet #1 under the Key Conventions section has me a little confused: Does it boil down to a sub-sort of records with priority=1 and position=1? Is this logic only performed when building procedure_cost records? Associated_provider_id is a relic of CDM v4, right?

If I ask nicely, maybe someday you can update the specs with diagrams like you published as Figure 1 in your paper? :wink:


@donohara - basically all this sorting was to ensure the records fell out consistently. Especially was helpful for picking out an ASSOCIATED_PROVIDER_ID, but as you have pointed out that is no longer in CDM v5 PROCEDURE_OCCURRENCE. I’ll make a note to update the document.

Thanks @ericaVoss

On a side note, do you have a set of standard temporal relationship terms that are used in the literature ? I’ve heard and seen various terms used to explain the fixed set of ways 2 dates can relate.

EG. Is “occurs” equivalent to “starts within”, or “starts-and-ends within”?

In the past our internal teams worked out the combinations and agreed upon terms (“entirely before”; “overlaps-left”; “identical”; “contained-within”; “spans”, etc), but there are probably better terms I should use.


@donohara - This is a nice idea, hadn’t thought about this before. If you have any references on this topic please share. However this was not integrated into this document.

Allen’s interval algebra is what we are using. You might want to roll up a few of the categories, but it is the best place to start.

Sorry – forgot link. We have it in our spec document:


Thanks @Mark_Danese ! ConceptQL looks very interesting.

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Allen’s interval algebra