CKD-EPI Formula

So I need to calculate the eGFR (Estimated glomular filtration rate) using CKD-EPI formula (I am use to the more simple formula of MDRD).

See below formula…

GFR = 141 * min(Scr/ê,1)á * max(Scr/ê, 1)-1.209 * 0.993Age * 1.018 [if female] * 1.159 [if black]

Scr is serum creatinine (mg/dL), ê is 0.7 for females and 0.9 for males, á is -0.329 for females and -0.411 for males, min indicates the minimum of Scr/ê or 1, and max indicates the maximum of Scr/ê or 1.

Please note the following:

Male=16012, Female=17012, Raceb(black)=1 (if yes)

Code that is not working:

141 * (number( gf_crf_sqlevaluate(keyid,“select min(lborres) from comp_lb where lbtest=‘Creatinine’ and lbcat in(2,140012) and keyid=’”+keyid+"’",1,1))/

( if( number(gf_crf_sqlevaluate(keyid,“select sex from comp_dm where comp_dm.usubjid=’”+usubjid+"’",1,1))=17012, 0.7, 0.9))


^ if( number(gf_crf_sqlevaluate(keyid,“select sex from comp_dm where comp_dm.usubjid=’”+usubjid+"’",1,1))=17012, -0.329, -0.411)

  • ((number( gf_crf_sqlevaluate(keyid,“select max(lborres) from comp_lb where lbtest=‘Creatinine’ and lbcat in(2,140012) and keyid=’”+keyid+"’",1,1))/

( if( number(gf_crf_sqlevaluate(keyid,“select sex from comp_dm where comp_dm.usubjid=’”+usubjid+"’",1,1))=17012, 0.7, 0.9))

)) ^ -1.209 *

  • 0.993 ^ (number( gf_crf_sqlevaluate(keyid,“select agecalc from comp_dm where comp_dm.usubjid=’”+usubjid+"’",1,1)) )

if( number(gf_crf_sqlevaluate(keyid,“select sex from comp_dm where comp_dm.usubjid=’”+usubjid+"’",1,1))=17012, 1.018, 1)

if( number( gf_crf_sqlevaluate(keyid,“select raceb from comp_dm where comp_dm.usubjid=’”+usubjid+"’",1,1))=1, 1.159, 1)

Any help?