Choosing visit_occurrence.visit_concept_id for certain visits in claim data

We are looking at claim data categorized as these: Inpatient, Outpatient, Home Health, Skilled Nursing Facility, and Hospice. As to map to visit_occurrence. visit_concept_id values:
262 Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit
9201 Inpatient Visit
9202 Outpatient Visit
9203 Emergency Room Visit
42898160 Long Term Care Visit

It’s straightforward to map our source Inpatient (to 9201), Outpatient (to 9202), Hospice (to 42898160) to the CDM. But we are debating on what CDM concept we should use for the data from Home Health and Skilled Nursing Facility? Any opinions will be appreciated.


Currently, these visit concepts describe an healthcare experience where the patient visits the healthcare facility, not when the patient gets service at home (the service comes to the patient) or when the patient permanently lives in a nursing home. With the Long Term Care Visit, this changed a bit, because there usually is no more home.

I don’t have a strong opinion to add those two. What do people think?

We should also add it to the CDM WG list of changes. Will do.

@yulingjiang and @Christian_Reich,

We map Home Health to Outpatient Visit (9202) and Skilled Nursing Facility to Long Term Care Visit (42898160). Home Health: The person is at their home when they receive an Outpatient Visit from a healthcare provider that provides care (i.e. a procedure: dressing change for a wound or a measurement: blood pressure check). And a Skilled Nursing Facility is a healthcare facility where a patient receives medical care over a long period of time.

@MPhilofsky and @Christian_Reich,
Thank you both!
Same here: Home Health --> Outpatient Visit (9202), SNF --> Long Term Care Visit (42898160). We also mapped Hospice to Long Term Care Visit (42898160).