checkPlpInstallation script

Hi Folks,

Toward the end of the checkPlpInstallation script, there is a bit of code to test the (correct) installation of the ff package:
writeLines("\nChecking support for large data objects")
x <- ff::as.ffdf(data.frame(a = 1:100, b = “test”))

I have ff 4.04 installed, but the script throws an error indicating “vmode ‘character’ not implemented”. Examining .vimplemented confirms this, but I am not sure what I am missing in the installation and not seeing much helpful information in a web search.

I’m working on a MacBook Pro running 10.14.6

Any suggestions?



What version of PatientLevelPrediction are you using? The ffdf library is no longer being used as we replaced it with sqlite - if you update PatientLevelPrediction to > version 4.0.0 this error should be resolved.