Check Out Community Research & VOTE For Our Top OHDSI Collaborator Showcase Awards

Dear OHDSI Community,

We hope you are all safe and well. We are now one month removed from the 2020 OHDSI Global Symposium, and we want to thank everybody who took part in that great event, including both presenters and attendees. The OHDSI Symposium is an amazing day of sharing the global research that defines what is important to our community — making meaningful impacts for better health and better care in a collaborative, open nature.

That work, of course, lasts far beyond one day.

The research presented during the Collaborator Showcase can impact or inform questions you have or decisions you make in your own research, or perhaps stimulate new ideas for future efforts. We invite you to continuously look at our global work on our 2020 Collaborator Showcase page as well as join our community calls where some of that work is presented in greater details (as was the case this past Tuesday). We hope you also follow us on either Twitter or LinkedIn and share the daily research presentations in the #OHDSISocialShowcase with your own networks. You never know who might see an interesting study and turn into a future collaborator!

We also hope you will join us in voting for our top collaborator showcase awards, which can be filled out here. Please submit your vote by Dec. 3 at 8 pm ET, and the winners will be announced during the 2020 APAC Symposium Closing Ceremony.

Our work is fluid. Showcase presentations one year can grow into network studies and published papers that change the course of healthcare. We hope that the 2020 Collaborate Showcase continues to inspire you to new and exciting research as we approach 2021.
