I have been following all the steps for the cdminspection package and keep getting this error after fix all the sql queries that had tables that were not mapped(non essential maps).
Error in gregexec(pattern = what, x$txt, ...) :
could not find function "gregexec"
So I checked the greg function to understand the error and it is looking for some files that are not there, therefore it can not move forward and generate the .doc file, I was expecting.
Next step was check the main function itself to understand if I was missing something and apparently I am.
doc <- doc %>%
body_add_par('Checklist', style = "heading 1") %>%
body_add_par("Have the following checks been performed?", style = "Normal") %>%
body_add_par("[ ] ATLAS cohort creation, e.g. Type 2 Diabetes", style = "Normal") %>%
body_add_par("[ ] Check of Achilles results", style = "Normal") %>%
body_add_par("Comments:", style = "Normal") %>%
body_add_par("Check that all the items mentioned below are shared with EHDEN in addition to this inspection report. If items cannot be shared, add an explanation in the comments section.", style = "Normal") %>%
body_add_par("[ ] ETL Documentation", style = "Normal") %>%
body_add_par("[ ] ETL Code", style = "Normal") %>%
body_add_par("[ ] DQD dashboard json file", style = "Normal") %>%
body_add_par("[ ] White Rabbit output", style = "Normal") %>%
body_add_par("[ ] CdmInspection results.zip ", style = "Normal") %>%
body_add_par("Comments:", style = "Normal")
cdmInspection sample script
It led me to believe that I need to add a couple of files to the outputfolder in order to be able to generate the report.
Any help please? A note about the subject, the documentation is lacking more info about this package.