CDM v6.0 Testers Needed

Dear OHDSI Community -

As Maura alluded to in the agenda for the 8/7 call, we will be discussing CDM v6.0. Since this is a large release I will need help testing the DDL and constraints of each dialect. If you are interested, please reply to this post and I will put your name on the list. Testing will take place between 9/1/2018 and 9/21/2018. It helps to have more than one site testing so even if someone has already volunteered, please don’t hesitate to put your hand up!

Dialect | Test Site(s)

BigQuery | Michael Kahn
Impala | Greg K, Karthik (maybe)
Netezza | Greg K
Oracle | Jeff Millstein
Parallel Data Warehouse | Janssen
PostgreSQL | Jeff Millstein, Greg K, sehee_Chang
Redshift | Don Torok, Greg K
Sql Server | Chan, Karthik


Will test on RedShift

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Hi Clair, I can test on Oracle 12C (and if there’s no other volunteers, PostgreSQL: specific version?). --Jeff

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I am not sure we can join, but I hope to with ‘Sql Server’. Thank you.

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Thanks Jeff! I believe it works with PGAdmin III, but @schuemie can you confirm?

Colorado uses BigQuery. We (really I) can take the task of converting the 6.0 schema into BG’s JSON format. Easiest SQL DDL syntax to use for this is the Postgres DDL syntax, so our work will be dependent on the accuracy of the Postgres DDL script.

Are you simply looking to see if the DDL’s execute to create empty tables? Or are you looking for something more?

Please count us in - can help to test across a few databases, PostgreS, Impala, RedShift.


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We can help with SQL Server and maybe Impala.

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@mgkahn Here is the link to the current BigQuery DDL which I believe uses the standard sql function rather than the JSON (I am not super familiar with BigQuery so let me know if I’m totally wrong). If JSON is more BQ friendly, then I would be happy for the help. @Jesse_Johnson may have done some of this work already as well.

The task is to run the DDL in your environment to make sure that the code creates the empty tables. If you encounter any errors please let me know and ideally send updated code with fixes. Some folks have also found discrepancies in the documentation during this process and those observations are also welcome.

… please sign us up for Netezza testing as well - apologies, missed it from the list

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I totally missed that GBQ now has DDL commands. We’ve been using JSON only because that is what was expected in earlier releases. Glad to see this (or glad to learn that I missed this) as I would strongly prefer SQL DDL statements over GBQ-specific JSON.

So, are you seeking to have me execute the BigQuery DDL in your message as it exists today in the repository to provide feedback?

@Jesse_Johnson: Let me know if you are doing anything that would prefer to have me wait until you give the all-clear signal???

@mgkahn no need to test now, the link I provided is to CDM v5.3.1. On Aug 31 I will send you a new link to the CDM v6.0 BigQuery DDL in development for you to run in your environment and provide feedback.

I can help with PostgreS, thank you



Should we try the bigint coversation as an option?

Hi @clairblacketer Have you sent out the new link for testing CDM v6.0 on Postgres?


Hi @jon_duke I sent a separate note out to the testers last week, but if you would like to test the Postgres DDL the scripts are located on the CDM v6.0 branch. Please either DM me here or send me a note at with anything you find.
