CDM v4.0 capturing visits and reason for visits (conditions)

I am facing an issue capturing some source condition and visit data, CDM condition occurrence captures the condition start date and the visit occurrence id, if we have visit occurrence id, we could get the condition start date from the associated visit. (redundant data capture?).

But what is missing is all visits that were due to the condition. There is no condition to visits cross reference table while my source data has captured all the visits the patient made on reason of the condition. Some visits included more than one condition as the reason. I see no way to capture this information in v4.0. Any suggestions?

Hi, Raj,
My understanding is that Visits denote a duration of time in a inpatient (or even outpatient) setting. While in such a setting, they may have contracted a disease or something may have happened to them (such as a perforation during surgery) that would register as a condition_occurence, during the visit, but the visit date and date of occurrence of the condition are not the same thing. It may be in some datasources where only one visit is associated to only one condition, that condition_starts may coincide with visit_starts, but visits and diagnosis dates are distinctly different things, so this isn’t redundant data capture.

For your second issue (different visits for a single condition), it’s sounding like you’d like to have a way to link a specific diagnosis between followups at different visits. I don’t think such a thing exists, but you might want to raise the issue to the CDM Working Group.

The final one (multiple conditions found during a single visit), that would be solved in the CDM by creating one visit_occurrence, and assigning that visit_occurrence_id to multiple condition_occurrence records. That would give you the ‘more than one condition in a visit’ capture you were looking for.
