CDM OMOP Source Data

Hi Team,

We have Truven Claims data that has been extracted from flat files provided to us and loaded on to the CDM tables in the standard OMOP format.
However when I wanted to run Achilles so that I can use Atlas to view the data, I found that almost all the source tables like Person, Visit_Occurrence, Procedure_Occurrence, Death etc, have duplicate records. The key fields (like Person_id in Person table) in each of the tables have duplicates.

In the Observation_Period table, there are duplicate records on key field (observation_period_id), however if I consider the combination of observation_period_id, person_id, there are no duplicates.

I am looking for inputs from anyone who has been in this situation before and if they have any suggestions or inputs on how to address this issue. I am planning to run Achilles with creating the primary keys on most of the tables and see how it goes.

Will Achilles run even complete in this kind of scenario?