CDM Data Mapping


Can anyone please tell me difference between Observation table’s Chief Complaint data (Observation Type= Chief Complaint (concept_id=38000282)) and the one in condition_occurrence table in OMOP CDM. Because in both we are taking data of patient’s conditions. Then why we are taking this twice? What is the purpose?

Thanks and Regards
Priyam Munjpara

You use

When the concept_id for the chief complaint code has a domain_id = ‘Observation’

You use concept_id = 42894222, EHR Chief Complaint when your data comes from the EHR and is a “chief complaint” AND the concept_id for the chief complaint code has a domain_id = ‘Condition’.

You don’t take the code twice, you map the source code to the standard concept_id and place it in the domains/tables as specified by the standard concept_id.

Check out the Book of OHDSI, it provides guidance for the ETL in section 2


This sounds like odd. It seems to me we don’t need a Concept for “Chief Complaint”. If anything, that should be a Type Concept. A Chief Complaint should just go as is into the Condition Table. Let me check out what we have right now.