Call for Participation: Phenotyping Metadata Framework Survey

Dear OHDSI Friends,

We are looking for participants to fill out a brief survey to assess the comprehensiveness of a novel phenotyping metadata framework. As you may know, many electronic phenotype algorithms have been developed in the past decade. It is imperative to develop a metadata framework to catalogue and categorize these electronic phenotypes to help researchers better discern their differences and select suitable phenotypes for certain tasks. This metadata framework defines about 40 metadata elements. We would like researchers to grade how useful each data element is. The survey will take 5-10 mins to complete. We’d greatly appreciate your input and support by 08/26. We welcome anyone interested in participating on this project as a collaborator or co-author.

Here is a link to the survey:

@cukarthik @chunhua @Patrick_Ryan @CraigSachson

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We continue to seek participants for our survey between now and Friday (08/26). Thank you very much to those of you who have helped with this research effort!