Call for Participation in PORPOISE: A Network Study on OMOP Databases

Dear Community,

I would like to announce an exciting network study on OMOP databases for identifying patients at risk of POstopeRative Prolonged OpioId uSE (PORPOISE). This study aims to

  1. evaluate the performance, generalizability, and calibration of the ML models across multisite cohort subgroups: gender, diabetes, depression, and obesity;
  2. evaluate the transportability of ML models based on population differences in the various CDM databases;
  3. identify common preoperative risk factors predictive of postoperative opioid use over CDM databases;
  4. incorporate ML models trained on different databases to increase generalizability.

We are looking for data partners who have access to CDM databases and any ATLAS instances. We are very open to any feedback, changes, and suggestions, so please feel free to make them.

In the project, we used ATLAS for cohort study and R for prediction. So, we expect our data partners to run our cohort characterization on ATLAS and our prediction module in R for internal and external validation. We have developed our prediction module using the PLP R package, and you only need to set up a simple YAML configuration file and run a simple R script without any extra knowledge of R programming. This study will provide an opportunity for researchers who are new to OHDSI tools to comprehend the specifications of these tools and use them for research.

You can find the project slides and presentation on the OHDSI community call webpage for August 2nd.

Please feel free to contact me (, Dr. Tina Hernandez-Boussard (, or Dr. Catherine M. Curtin if you have any questions or wish to join the PORPOISE project.

We welcome your participation in the PORPOISE initiative.

Behzad Naderalvojoud, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Stanford University | School of Medicine
Center for Biomedical Informatics Research
Pronouns: he/him


Happy to help!

I would appreciate it if you could email me and let me know which dataset you have access to.

hi @behzadn , Columbia (CUIMC) would be happy to participate in this effort. Is there a repo already set up?

Ajou university medical center can participate.
It is a teaching hospital in South Korea, with 3M patients(1994-2022)

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Hi @thomasfalconer and @Jinchoi
I appreciate your interest in the project. Currently, our repository is restricted to the Stanford community. We will soon make it public. Please send me an email ( so that I can share the cohort materials with you and explain how you should proceed.

@behzadn , When you are ready, I can create a git repo for you on ohdsi-studies for you to post your protocol and code. That’s where all OHDSI network study materials should be shared between collaborators.

Thank you @Patrick_Ryan !
It would be great to share our study materials from the OHDSI Git repo. I will inform you soon.

Hi @Patrick_Ryan !
Could you please create a git repo for the PORPOISE project so that I can post project codes?
Thank you in advance.

Here’s the link:

I made you maintainer. Please post your protocol and source code in here, you might find it helpful to use the study template and follow how past PLP study packages were organized.

Look forward to seeing your study run across the network!

Thanks @Patrick_Ryan !