Call for Papers - Methods to Enhance the Reproducibility of Precision Medicine


I am co-chairing a special session on Methods for Precision Medicine at the 2016 Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing taking place in Kona, HI next January. If you have never attended PSB before it is one of the highest quality bio/clinical informatics conferences I have ever attended.

Here is a website with more information that describes the motivation and the type of papers that we are looking for. I’ve also pasted the important information below.

Session Topics

In this PSB 2016 session, we invite manuscripts that explore and propose solutions to the many challenges of reproducibility in the era of precision medicine. Manuscripts might describe:

  • Methods for automated meta-analysis of clinical trials across diverse data sources
  • New software and/or databases to help coordinate analyses across institutions
  • Proposals to implement “n of 1” clinical trials needed for therapeutic decision making
  • Methods to account for uncertainty and bias from associations derived from observational studies (e.g., associations from epidemiological studies)
  • New methods and extensions to visualization (e.g., StratomeX) and pipeline tools (e.g., knitr, IPython notebook, Galaxy) that promote reproducible use of heterogeneous individual-level and high-dimensional information
  • Methods to combine information from multiple databases for clinical decision making, such as ClinVar, Human Gene Mutation Database, and PubMed

Key Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: July 31, 2015
Notification of Acceptances: September 14, 2015
Revised Papers Due: October 5, 2015
Poster/Abstract Submission Deadline: November 17, 2015
PSB 2016: January 4-8, 2016

Session Organizers
Arjun K. Manrai
Harvard Medical School
manrai (at)

Chirag J. Patel
Harvard Medical School
chirag_patel (at)

Nils Gehlenborg
Harvard Medical School
nils (at)

Nicholas P. Tatonetti
Columbia University
nick.tatonetti (at)

John P.A. Ioannidis
Stanford University
jioannid (at)

Isaac S. Kohane
Harvard Medical School
isaac_kohane (at)

For those who think their work may not “fit” in this call for papers, one of the other calls may interest you. Here is a complete list:

I will highlight this one called Precision Medicine: Data and Discovery for Improved Health and Therapy. More info at