Call for ETL Framework Contenders

As most of you know, Outcomes Insights is helping develop several Medicare-related ETLs. I think it would be a boon for the community to have an open-source, database-agnostic, and horizontally scalable ETL framework which can serve as the basis for those Medicare ETLs and future ETLs developed by the community. The framework would probably need to be written in Java, since that appears to be the preferred language of the OHDSI community.

While we could always build a brand new tool, I’d like to first review existing ETL frameworks. Here are the frameworks I’m aware of so far. None of them seem to satisfy all of my above criteria, though they still might be something that we as a community would like to adopt and adapt going forward:

Please feel free to add rows (other frameworks) or columns (other criteria you deem important) to this list and let’s get the ball rolling on finding strong candidates to be the basis for our ETL development efforts going forward.
