Call for Collaborators- mini hand surgery studyathon, Sept 8th 2021

Collaborating with the British Society for Surgery of the Hand, @krfeeney and I are leading a group of orthopaedic and plastic surgeons to develop a study characterising the patients who undergo surgery for wrist arthritis. The aim is to show the wider surgical community the possibilities within OHDSI, as well as developing definitions for surgical complications to add to the phenotype library. (and of course, to generate new evidence in an area which is sadly lacking!)

The current protocol that has been co-designed with @jposada @rohitv @Paul_Nagy @thomasfalconer @Daniel_Prieto @Patrick_Ryan is here:

During the European working day on 8th September, we will be refining the cohorts and package, with the aim that cohort diagnostics will be available to be run within the North American day/European evening 8th September/9th September Asia Pacific morning. Over the course of the rest of the main BSSH academic meeting in Oxford (9-10th September), we’ll be providing updates of study results, with the aim of submitting the study for peer review the week after.

You can read more here
Do get in touch ( if you’d like to join or know more!


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