We invite data partners to join our study on learning the Markov model on heart failure patients’ disease progression.
The study is conducted to demonstrate the utility of two R-packages we have developed to learn and evaluate Markov models on OMOP CDM formatted data sources. We are replicating a study conducted on a single data source (Thokala et al 2020) and want to explore the variability of the resulting models and associated costs across real-world data sources. At minimum, the data source should have reliable diagnosis and death information. It would be great if the costs of all the treatments would also be available.
The study package is available here: https://github.com/HealthInformaticsUT/HeartFailureTrajectoryCostStudy/
The protocol is here: https://haugmarkus.github.io/HeartFailureTrajectoryCostStudy/
Contacts are:
- Raivo Kolde raivo.kolde@ut.ee
- Markus Haug haugmarkus@protonmail.com
Let us know if you want to participate in the study or if you have any questions.