Call for collaborators: Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD): Medication and clinical parameters associated with course of disease

We are currently searching for collaborators to investigate new treatment options for Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD) package: AlcoholicLiverDisease.

Chronic excessive alcohol consumption can lead to significant liver damage, particularly, fatty liver disease, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver. As a result of liver cirrhosis, liver failure and hepatocellular carcinoma may develop, both of which may require liver transplantation.

Treatment of alcoholic liver disease is difficult therapies available for these patients. Alcohol abstinence is the decisive factor, but is not achieved by many patients despite accompanying behavioral therapy or psycho-social support. As a last option, liver transplantation may be considered. However, the current criteria of the German Medical Association require patients to abstain from alcohol for at least 6 months. Since this is not fulfilled by many patients at the time of diagnosis, liver transplantation is ruled out for many patients with rapid decompensation of alcoholic liver disease.

Therefore, the proposed study will be an observational cohort study based on routinely-collected health care data which has been mapped to the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model (CDM). Cohorts of individuals with ALD will be identified and stratified for co-occurrence of viral hepatitis B or C. Clinical features and drug responses linked to deterioration of alcoholic liver disease will be described with regard to an influence on the patient’s survival.

We would appreciate your support for this project. In case of further questions please do not hesitate to contact us (@Andreas, @titzel) directly.


Tagging a few network friends so they see this. @scottduvall @jposada @tduarte @anthonysena @clairblacketer @MPhilofsky @mgkahn @Andrew @SCYou

Noticed, thank you @krfeeney !

hi, I am interested to make some contribution to this project. Who should I contact with?

Hello Chenkai,
thank you for your offer to contribute. We would very much appreciate your help. The GitHub link is as follows:

Also we could always support you if there is any issue runing the code.
In case you have any further questions my Email address is as follows

How may we conrtact you directly?
Best Regards
Andreas Teufel, Mannheim / Heidelberg/ Germany

Hello Andreas

I have run your package and nothing happens after "execute(connectionDetails, sourceName=“xxx”)). No results, no error message. Only short time of delay (1~2 sec), just prompt shows up on next line after then. I cannot find the result file anywhere in my storage.


Best Y.