Broadsea - volume mapping for docker-compose.yml incorrect in

I believe that the documentation for mapping the volumes for the broadsea-methodslibrary is incorrect in the README.Md file.
The volume mapping in the document states:

      - ./home/rstudio:/home/rstudio
      - ./site-library:/usr/lib/R/site-library

And I couldn’t get the mapping to work until I changed it to:

      - ./home/rstudio:/home/rstudio
      - ./site-library:/usr/local/lib/R/site-library

(added /local after /usr).

Has anyone else found this issue?

The Details:
I have built a demonstration site using the ohdsi-in-a-box image in Oracle VM VirtualBox as a starting point. I have pulled the version 2.2.0 Broadsea Docker image, so have the latest published version.

When installed the required packages in RStudio, the installations were not permanent and I would have to re-install each time. After some sleuthing, I found out that the location of site-library in the docker image is actually as I stated above in the second code snippet.

This works now for me, but I want to pass this on in case this is an issue with others and hopefully the documentation can be changed if this is a global problem.

Hi @ssrobertson thanks for reporting the issue.

I’ve now updated the file with the corrected R site-library volume mapping path.

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Thanks Lee, and awesome turnaround time!