Broadsea ldap issues

We are trying to get ldap working with the Broadsea implementation of the OHDSI.

The following is one of many configurations we have tried as an example. Based on what we have read we believe this should work, but are apparently missing something.

 - JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx64g<password>
 - TLS_REQCERT=allowed

- security.ldap.dn=cn={0},ou=UF,dc=ad,dc=ufl,dc=edu
- security.ldap.url=ldap://
- security.ldap.baseDn=ou=UF,dc=ad,dc=ufl,dc=edu
- security.ldap.system.username=ITC-LDAPBind
- security.ldap.system.password=
- security.ldap.searchString=(&sAMAccountName={0})
- security.ldap.searchBase=ou=People,ou=UF,dc=ad,dc=ufl,dc=edu

Some notes:

LDAP auth attempts result in an AcceptSecurityContext error.

/etc/certs/cacerts is a truststore containing all of the CA certs including that of the AD/LDAP server’s root certificate.

ITC-LDAPBind is the auth bind user. Other users reside in OU=People, but service accounts such as it do not. As the system username we’ve tried ITC-LDAPBind, UFAD\ITC-LDAPBind,, and its full DN of CN=ITC-LDAPBind,OU=LDAP Accounts,OU=Service Accounts,OU=ITCENTER,OU=HSC,OU=Departments,OU=UF,DC=ad,DC=ufl,DC=edu

Have attempted both LDAP (389) and LDAPS (port 636).

Within the WebAPI container, we can successfully authenticate and query the LDAP server with the following:

ldapsearch -x -H ldaps:// -D ITC-LDAPBind -w -b ou=UF,dc=ad,dc=ufl,dc=edu -s sub “(sAMAccountName=)”

Does anyone see anything obvious we are missing? Thanks for any assistance.