Broadsea Implementation - ATLAS webpage not loading after inserting values in source_daimon tables

Hi Team,

I am using Broadsea implementation to host ATLAS and RStudio. I have my CDM data in Redshift and using Postgres for ATLAS source and source_daimon table (in ohdsi schema).

In particular, I’m able to launch the containers and they seem to start up properly (i.e, no obvious errors in tomcat and supervisor logs) and source and source_daimon table are also created in postgres.
Even Atlas webpage loads up successfully, however the in the Data Source tab it shows error as ‘Error Loading report’.

As suggested, I stop the container then insert the table qualifiers(cdm, vocab, result and evidence) in the source_daimon table (ohdsi schema in postgres) and accordingly update the source table with redshift connection details.

Once i start the container again. ATLAS webpage all together stops loading with no specific error in tomcat or supervisor logs.

Please suggest if there is any change needed in the process i am following.