Birth Month Study

I’m thinking about conducting a birth month-disease risk study across the OHDSI community and I was wondering who has birth month data.

Hi Mary: Sounds like an interesting idea to look at associating birth
month with disease prevalence. Unfortunately, in the data that I’ve got to
use within the community, I don’t have BIRTH_MONTH. I hope others in the
community can help you out. I’ll be happy to help with the study in other
ways if you need me. Cheers, Patrick

We don’t have it right now. It’s available, but that field is PHI, so we didn’t pull it.

hmm so if we wrote a site-specific IRB then its possible you could pull birth month?

Yes, under a separate IRB, we can.


We are working on an IRB template now that sites should be able to use to make the process easier.

@jon_duke How about you, do you have birth month data?
@bailey CHOP?
@rwpark How about your data, Rae Woong?
@Rijnbeek Is this something you could do with the Dutch data?

We have birth month for all sites.

Hi Nick,

Sorry for the late reply.

In IPCI we do have birth data. We are currently in the process of finalizing our CDM version though so we are not ready yet to perform studies immediately. Nevertheless, it would be interesting to participate in a real study on the CDM.

Clearly we need to get approval by our board that meets regularly.

Do you have some more background information on the planned study? Is the IRB approval form in a status that can be shared? A protocol?


Hi all,

I have just created a forum for discussion of this project, called OHDSI study #4, which is available here:

@Rijnbeek: we have an IRB and protocol for you to customize that was formatted using the OHDSI framework that should help with getting IRB approval
Let me or @nick know if you have any further questions, we are excited to collaborate with you!