What might be the best peer-reviewed recent paper (ideally), or other openly available paper that either shows OHDSI data ‘lives’ or # of instances of OMOP installed vs PCOR, i2b2/TransMart, or other. I haven’t found this–not looking to describe OHDSI, specifically looking for anyone asserting OHDSI is the current global standard, or growing the fastest, or best…
Shawn Dolley
For reference. When writing in the Book of OHDSI I was looking for the same (see https://ohdsi.github.io/TheBookOfOhdsi/OpenScience.html#open-standards), and ended up citing a number of 1.2 billion OMOP mapped healthcare records from an EMA report (https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/report/common-data-model-europe-why-which-how-workshop-report_en.pdf). (BTW: this number is probably based on a calculation using the OHDSI Data Network - https://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=resources:2019_data_network - and it’s hard to get a precise estimate of “# lives”, easier is “#health records” recognizing that especially US patients will appear in multiple databases).