Best mapping for specific Covid vaccines

What would be the best mapping for the following string texts?




779414, 1759203, 739906.

Pfizer also has different doses and bivalent vaccines, but I assume you want the original.

Thank you @Christian_Reich!

The string text is exactly as seen in the source coming from a procedure table which lacks dose and other attributes specific to drugs.

Which means the assumption it was the original Pfizer is bad. Even though you can guess the distinction from the source, the routine how they record is changing, and it becomes less and less reliable guess.

We’ll try to get this resolved with the new iteration of the vaccine vocabulary WG sessions.
Please join tomorrow, Monday 9th Jan 1 PM EST - link.


I won’t be able to make the call. I noticed with the CVX vocabulary, some of the non-US covid vaccine formulations are brand specific. However, when I search for the US approved covid vaccines, I don’t see brand names, just descriptions of the drug. CVX does have a generic, standard concept_id, but I try to avoid mapping to it unless the string is something like “COVID vaccine”.

We don’t have a strong use case for these covid vaccines found in our procedure table because we also have fully specified covid vaccines found in our administered drug table. I’d just like to map to the closest match, but the closest match isn’t obvious.

For a year and a half, there only was one Pfizer vaccine. So, the string needn’t have any more specificity (and that’s what it looks to me). That changed when they added pediatric and bivalent doses. Sounds to me you need to look for the date.