Next week we will be running a study-a-thon here in sunny Barcelona. We hope to answer the following three questions:
What are the (medical) treatment/s given to patients with newly diagnosed RA in different healthcare systems in actual practice ini Europe and globally? [Drug Utilisation Study]
What are the risk/s (including infection, cytopaenia, cancer, and cardiovascular disease) associated with different synthetic DMARDs for the treatment of RA? [Population Level Estimation study]
Can we predict such risk/s (identified above) and generate algorithms for the identification of patients who should probably avoid specific treatment/s? [Patient Level Prediction study]
Even if you can’t join to enjoy the city with us, you can still contribute to the science! If you would be interested in contributing to any of these studies please comment below.
I would love to participate if there are any sites in the US that would like help. We do not have enough data in our own registry to help just yet. Any sites that would like (free) help participating let me know.
I would be interested in following up with question 1 in particular. We’ve been generating some medication utilization statistics across all diseases as a way to systematically look at drug utilization.
We are currently preparing the initial version of the DUS study. This is being led by @anthonysena, who will post an update on our progress later today.
In the meantime, here is an update on day 1 from Nigel Hughes:
“Approximately 40 people of all disciplines, from clinical to academic to Data Partners (all with data mapped to the OMOP common data model) have convened on the first day to initiate the second EHDEN study-a-thon, this time in the domain of Rheumatoid Arthritis in evaluating the drug utilisation of Disease Modifying AntiRheumatic Drugs (DMARKs), their safety profiles and outcomes, as well as prediction modelling. Today, following introduction to the topic, OHDSI, and study-a-thon process, the group focused on cohort definitions and evaluation with Data Partners from Spain, Estonia, the Netherlands and IQVIA data sources (UK, Belgium, France, Germany), supported by Rheumatology clinical and academic colleagues, to establish the study cohorts per protocol for the Drug Utilisation, Population Estimation and Population Prediction studies to be conducted through the week. The work around the abstract and manuscript content was initiated in parallel. Tomorrow we evaluate the cohort outputs from all the respective Data Partners, and continue the process discussion.”
“Our forty participants continued the journey on day two evaluating the cohort outputs from the multiple OMOP common data model mapped databases in eight countries, evaluating the definition for Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Cohort Diagnostics tool to evaluate that we have confidence in the populations being studied, and then moving to define outcomes cohorts for specific adverse events. Further work on the draft abstracts and manuscript content continued in the afternoon for drug utilisation, population estimation and population prediction studies. Enthusiasm and collaboration remain very high, with very positive responses from participants to the study-a-thon, especially with regards to being exposed to the ability of OHDSI to conduct real world research at scale and at speed, whiles preserving quality, and confidence in our results.”
It has been a busy few days in Barcelona but happy to report that the team here has designed a treatment pathway analysis to characterize DMARD treatment patterns in newly diagnosed RA patients. The study package is found on GitHub (link below) and the instruction for running the package are contained in the README in the package.
We’ve run this for a number of databases at the study-a-thon without issue so but if you face any issues, please post them to the study repository (Issues · ohdsi-studies/EhdenRaDrugUtilization · GitHub) so we can properly track and close them out. Thanks!
***Please note that this contains both the code for development AND validation of the models. Please use the validation package to run the study. The instructions for this are at the bottom of the readme. ***
Please contact @cynthiayang to share your results.
All - it’s been an exciting study-a-thon week in Barcelona and I’m happy to share the study package that we collectively designed to estimate the population-level effects of conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs on safety outcomes important to patient with rheumatoid arthritis. The study package can be found on the OHDSI Studies GitHub repository here: