Availability of ETLs for (i) NYS SPARCS and (ii) CMS CJR data (HCUP-esque)?

Hello: I am an Epidemiology PhD student at Columbia University Medical Center, with training in Operations Research Engineering and work in Quality at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. I am conducting outcomes research acute ischemic stroke research patients without outcome measures following discharge for (i) 30-day all cause readmission and (ii) 15-day ED utilization. I have New York State DOH SPARCS data that has unique patient identifiers to link across visits. I have INPATIENT, AMBULATORY, and EMERGENCY ROOM data set

Question 1: Does anyone know where to find ETLs for SPARCS data to link the INPATIENT, ED and AMBULATORY datasets into a cohort model?

Question 2: I am also evaluating the CMS CJR bundle data and I am trying to also create a longitudinal view of patients for evaluation of 90-day complications. Can anyone point me to the CMS ETL?

Thank you greatly for your time and suggestions.