Hi Everyone: We’re starting to plan out the next release of Atlas/WebAPI (V2.2.0) I and are targeting a release of features by October 1, 2017. We are using GitHub to organize and detail contributions that the community would like to make to Atlas/WebAPI here: https://github.com/OHDSI/WebAPI/issues/217. Some key milestones are:
- All ideas for features should be submitted to GitHub by August 22, 2017. Please follow the guidelines for posting new ideas as described in the GitHub issue above.
- All pull requests with new features are due by September 22, 2017.
- Pull requests will be reviewed, tested and a release targeted for October 1, 2017.
We invite you to participate in the conversation and let the community know if there is a feature you’d like to contribute to the effort. If you’d like to contribute by testing, documenting or providing other material support, please use the GitHub issue as a way to volunteer.
Hi: A quick reminder that we are 1 week away from our 8/22 deadline for new features/ideas for the V2.2.0 release of Atlas/WebAPI. We’ve had a number of ideas and even new contributions made already so please check out https://github.com/OHDSI/WebAPI/issues/217 for all of the details.
I also wanted to highlight a set of OHDSI best practices for making code contributions to GitHub as detailed on our wiki here: http://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=development:ohdsi_github_projects_v2. For those teams that are interested in contributing, this guide is intended to help orient you to some of the functions available in git and GitHub. If you plan to contribute code, please post your intention to the V2.2.0 tracking issue and then follow the best practices for external collaborators described on the wiki.
All: I’ve update the release planning github issue: https://github.com/OHDSI/WebAPI/issues/217 which indicates the requested features, who requested and completion status. We currently have 22(!) feature requests planned for the V2.2.0 release of WebAPI. Please visit this github thread to provide updates to your contributions. We plan to start making merges into master for our targeted October 1st release.
Thank you!
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We’d like to announce that the deadline for the V2.2.0 pull requests has been extended to 9/29/2017.
Thank you for your consideration.